This blog is dedicated to Todd and Travis,
our two favorite Bachelor Geeks.
They inspire us in our own geekiness.
May they live long and prosper. Nanoo Nanoo.

Merry Christmas to Our Favorite Geeks

If you're looking at this post, you've either mined the history on dad's computer on Christmas Eve, or you've opened your present. Either way, Merry Christmas! We set this blog up just for you. Really. It is designed to give you a few laughs, introduce some "great" products, and ... okay, pretty much just to give you a few laughs. May it entertain you longer than most Christmas toys last ... So, at least a couple of hours. 

(Batteries not included. Some assembly required.)

But what IS it?

Remove the dust and leftover bagel crumbs from your keyboard; get the gunk off your cell phone; and finally read the commands on your printer again when you use Cyber Clean. Uniquely formulated to catch dirt and kill germs, this innovative cleaner can reach small crevices and cavities where conventional cleaners cannot. With a proven disinfecting action, the compound may look like slime, but it cleans like nothing else available. And, it clearly enhances the performance of your keyboard and other devices. A color test panel is also featured on the back of the package to let you know when it is time to replace it. What makes this high tech cleaning compound so amazing?
  • Patented, non toxic, biodegradable
  • Removes harmful things you see and the harmful stuff you don't see
  • Gets into areas where no other cleaner can safely get into
  • Safely removes dirt and grime; therefore, safer and healthier for user
  • Swiss patented formulation
  • Re-usable 75+ times
  • Strength meter on the back of the package tells consumer when to buy a new Cyber Clean
  • Leaves no residue
  • Press it in and the dirt is gone
  • Enhances the performance of your devices
  • Hands stay safe and clean
  • Unique micro-encapsulation process - dirt goes in but will not come out
  • You can use Cyver Clean EVERYWHERE
  • So easy anyone can use
(But I still want to know what it is.)

Science is Grate!

Science.  So important to all of us, but so little understood by the masses.  Fortunately, there's a website to explain it all.

Fake Science can answer all life's important questions, like how do magnets work?  Why do Triceratops have three horns?  And if Dolphins are smarter than humans, why can't the dolphins improve on the idea of fanny packs?

Here's a few samplers:

Remember:  Fake Science -- For when the facts are too confusing!

An even cooler keyboard!

Keyboard without letters not cool enough for you?  Then how about a keyboard without . . . keys?  Not only does this small device project a virtual keyboard onto any flat surface, but will also register your keystrokes as if you pushed the keys!

Increase your geek cred at your LAN parties or with classic Battlestar Galactica fans.  With a non-keyboard, you rule them all!

ThinkGeek's version

The new version, coming January 2011!

Cooking for Geeks

"If you’re the curious type who asks why just as often as what­, my book, “Cooking for Geeks: Real Science, Great Hacks, and Good Food” will show you how to use science when working in the kitchen." -- Jeff Potter

Make ice cream in 30 seconds, cook food in the dishwasher, learn the technical term for the browning of the turkey skin.*  Have you ever wanted to hack your oven to cook at 900 degrees (it makes a great brick oven style pizza).  Do you wonder what chemical reactions cause stewed meat to become so tender?  Then Jeff Potter has a book for you.

Cooking for Geeks doesn't just give geek-worthy recipes -- it explains why things work the way they do, and even better, lets you hack kitchen appliances to do what they were never meant to do.  What could be better than that?

Want to sample the craziness before buying the book?  Then check out Jeff's Blog, and see what he has to say.  Fun stuff!

*Maillard reaction

The Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy -- Hacked!

What's neater than the Wikireader, the real-life version of the Guide?  A hacked version!

It turns out that not only can the Wikireader store and display the entire English version text of Wikipedia on a micro-SD card, but there's room left over for other things.  For example PROJECT GUTENBERG!  Yep, that's right -- someone has created a Wikireader version of the entire Project Gutenberg, a huge repository of public domain texts (basically, anything written before 1923).

Not enough for you?  How about brushing up on your foreign language skills by installing a language pack or two?

Still not enough for you?  Then how about adding your own content?  Someone has come up with a Software Development Kit for the device, which allows you to create games, develop your own software, and basically do anything you want with it.  The SDK comes with a few example games, such as Pong, Bouncing Babies, and Space Invaders.

Don't Panic!  I'm sure there is still more that can be done, but it's up to you to do them.  Plus, since all of the hacks take place on the SD card, there's no chance of bricking the device!  Where will the Hitchiker's Guide take you?

Still not enough?  Buy an iPhone.

Creeeeepy breakfast

And something a little friendlier ...

Embroidered LEGO technical specifications

Written by Yvette

While we’re on the topic of geeky needlecraft, I challenge you to find something of greater awesomeness than this: tech specs for a standard LEGO figure, hand-embroidered onto fabric.

Embroidered LEGO tech specs

The only thing that could make it better is if it were stitched from hobbit hairs that had been gently caressed by Wil Wheaton.

I award 1 point for LEGO, 1 point for clever tech specs, and 1 point for geek craft. 3 points of awesomeness for Cross-stitch ninja, who gets a bonus kajillion points because of the other cool stuff that she has on her Flickr photostream. True, it’s not all cross-stitch. But the fact that she stitched the entire second world map from Super Mario Bros 3 (finished size is 59 x 18 cm, which I think is about the size of a football field! Okay, not really, but it’s still HUGE for a cross-stitch) gives her kudos of the highest regard in my book.

Super Mario Bros 3 - map of world 2 - in cross-stitch

Cross-stitch ninja, if you’re out there, will you be my friend? Because I kind of have a giant crafter crush on you. I’ll do my best to not make it awkward.

Extreme Multitasking

Think solving a Rubik's cube is neat?  How about solving two Rubik's cubes while playing Guitar Hero?  That's right -- think of how many hours this boy spent perfecting this ability.  And for what?  Total geek bragging rights!  And for his video to be watched over a million times.  Beat that!

What I want to know is whether it's Leia or Jabba saying the Serenity Prayer.

The Very Best Geek Test

You've got to take this test. It really has just about everything.
And just so you know, Lia ranked as a Major Geek. 

Make your keyboard a statement of your geekness

Think you're a geek?  Then prove it by shelling out $129.99 for a computer keyboard.  Even better, THERE ARE NO LETTERS ON THE KEYS!  Supposedly, this actually makes you much faster, since you truly learn where all the keys are, instead of looking down for them.

But who cares about the speed, because your geekness would just shine through whenever anyone saw your keyboard with NO LETTERS!  Geek tested, Darth Vader approved.

Read more about it here

Personality Test: What kind of geek are you?

Cult of personality: Who's your inner Uber Geek?
(And yes, there are two references to sex ... but not too nasty.)


Uber Geek (n)  - a prominent or extreme example of the common geek.Uber, the German word for above or over, has been adopted as a slang prefix meaning super or ultra; thus, the uber geek is one whose preoccupation with technology goes above and beyond that of the average geek.

Directions: Choose the answer that appeals to you most. At the end of the quiz, discover which well-known Uber Geek you resemble most. Hint: Keep track of your answers as you go.

1. You're most likely to hum…
A  Frank Sinatra -- My Way
B  I don't hum
C  Something classical
D  Dylan -- The Times, They Are A-Changin'
E  Anchors Aweigh

2. In your younger years, you probably…
A  Cut classes to hang out in the computer room
B  Avoided nature whenever possible
C  Taught yourself algebra for fun
D  Defrauded the phone company
E  Took things apart to see how they worked

3. Your idea of relaxation is …
A  Washing dishes
B  Taking a sauna
C  Writing poetry
D  Looking for Nemo
E  Chain smoking

4. You would be most likely to wear a t-shirt that says…
A  Be nice to nerds -- chances are you'll end up working for one
B  Software is like sex: it's better when it's free
C  IP on everything
D  Rip, mix, burn
E  It's easier to apologize than to ask permission

5. You consider yourself to be a…
A  Humanitarian
B  Benevolent dictator
C  Gadget junkie
D  Driving force
E  Teacher

6. You're known for saying…
A  That is the stupidest thing I've ever heard.
B  I am your god.
C  Surf's up!
D  My girlfriend always laughs during sex -- no matter what she's reading.
E  Lazy is not necessarily a character flaw.

7. You might be seen driving a…
A  Porsche
B  Minivan
C  Jaguar
D  Studebaker
E  Human-powered submarine

8. Computers and the Internet are…
A  Not as important as health care
B  Only good for what you can do with them
C  A reflection of our society
D  Like a bicycle for your mind
E  Good for business

9. In another life, you were a …
A  Congressional page
B  Work-at-home dad
C  Member of the mafia
D  Rock star
E  Ivy League professor

10. If you ruled the world you would…
A  Stomp out spam
B  Get rid of speed limits
C  Take the Internet to outer space
D  Limit the time people could watch TV
E  Give people the freedom to try new things and watch what happens

Scroll down for Answer Key

Answer Key: Tally your answer choices to see which answer you selectedmost often. We've based our answers on true facts, although in some cases we paraphrased liberally. For instance, Vint Cerf really did wear a t-shirt that said "IP on everything" (question #4) and had a group of college friends who liked to call themselves the UCLA mafia (question #9). If you find yourself wondering where an answer choice came from, try Googling it along with the name of the geek it belongs to.

Mostly A: Classic Geek
Like Classic Geek Bill Gates, you are reluctant to step into the limelight and are happiest when engaged in your work. You rule your empire late at night: when lesser geeks have logged off, you're just hitting your stride. Your shrewd judgment and tremendous will-power make you a force to be reckoned with. People are more likely to be impressed by your drive than your attention to the minutiae of social niceties, and they will respect you for that. Even if they don't always understand the method to your madness, everyone has faith that it exists, and watches with interest to see what you'll come up with.

Mostly B: Iconoclast Geek

Like Iconoclast Geek Linus Torvalds, you don't kowtow to sacred cows. Although you are amiable, you stubbornly refuse to yield to the status quo. Even your fashion sense reflects your march to a different drummer. Because you are not bound by the conventions that hobble lesser minds, you are likely to envision -- and realize -- things that others could scarcely dream of. Combine that spark of genius with your ability to delegate power, and you've got a winning combination. One danger: the Iconoclast Geek may end up becoming an icon!

Mostly C: Alpha Geek
Like Alpha Geek Vint Cerf, you have all the qualities of a successful leader.When you find yourself out of your depth, you never try to fake it -- instead you put your nose to the grindstone, get the training you need and add another element to your skill set. Once you focus on a task, everyone else can relax because they know from experience that  you'll see it through to the end. Your ability to assimilate data from a variety of sources and your excellent written and verbal communication skills makes you the alpha dog wherever you go. Even your traditional fashion makes sets you apart from the rest of the pack and inspires others to follow.

Mostly D: Megalomaniac Geek
Like Megalomaniac Geek Steve Jobs, you make your presence known in your environment.You speak your mind and let nothing and no one stand in your way. Aesthetics are important to you; you consider yourself to be a yardstick for quality and purposely seek out others who you think measure up. Your clear vision and unshakable confidence makes you a good leader, but an unhappy follower.Never mind -- with your attitude and work ethic you'll get to the top and never have to take another order.

Mostly E: Secret Anarchist Geek
Like Secret Anarchist Geek Grace Hopper, you wear many hats and are one of those rare people who manages to keep all the balls in the air successfully.Part of that comes from your ability to sell your ideas successfully. When it comes to hardware, threads of code, or personnel, you believe in that old saying "many hands make quick work." You have little patience for those who see the glass half empty and prefer to fill your team with optimists.Not only do you think outside the box, you don't even have a clue what the box looks like. Your irreverent sense of humor, quick wit and intelligence makes you the perfect late-night talk show guest.

The Baskin Robbins of Geekhood

The Geek Code

The Geek Code is basically a (small) part of Internet history.  When I did the first incarnation of the code back in '93, it was as a lark.  Eventually, it evolved into the form you see online now and has remained virtually unchanged since that time.

I've always meant to, and still hope to, someday get back to the code and release a new version for the new century that was more modern and hip and all that.  Several things happened.  First, the internet of 1996 was still a wild untamed virgin paradise of geeks and eggheads unpopulated by script kiddies, and the denizens of AOL.  When things changed, I seriously lost my way.  I mean, all the "geek" that was the Internet was gone and replaced by Xfiles buzzwords and politicians passing laws about a technology they refused to comprehend.  Think about it, this was the infancy of even the world wide web, when having a "DotCom" address wasn't hip (and wasn't a billion-dollar snowjob by the ICANN).

Still, I always said to myself "Self, some day you'll get over it and write the new code."


However, until that time does arrive, The Geek Code stands as it does now, still in the pure and pristine form it was intended.  A testament to the history of the Internet, however small a part it may have played.

Robert Hayden

    Click to discover the answer to the ultimate question:
    What kind of Geek are you?

    Facebook: All Your Face Is Belong To Us


    Social networking giant Facebook has just scored a major victory when it comes to brand awareness: they’ve just been granted a trademark on the word “face.”

    This has been a long time coming. Back in late August, Facebook took over the trademark application from a site called, and it’s this acquisition that the USPTO has been mulling over the past few months, and has now granted Facebook a Notice of Allowance for.

    What’s a Notice of Allowance? It’s basically just an official notification that Facebook can own face, as long as they pay the fee. In essence, as long as Facebook writes a small check, they own face.

    The good news here, though, is that Facebook’s trademark on “face” actually isn’t very broad. The trademark only extends to “telecommunication services, namely, providing online chat rooms and electronic bulletin boards for transmission of messages among computer users in the field of general interest and concerning social and entertainment subject matter, none primarily featuring or relating to motoring or to cars.”

    That means that while Apple’s FaceTime standard is largely in the clear, any social networks or bulletin boards intending on riding the coat tails of Facebook’s success by using the word “Face” in their titles would be wise to consider a name change.

    As absurd as we think it is for a company to own a trademark on a common word like this, this is one example in which the USPTO has limited the scope of how that trademark can be applied to one fairly specific usage case: social networks. If it’s going to work that way, that’s the way it ought to work.

    Gotta have a Vimrod

    What is a Geek?

    No, really!

    Optical illusions fascinate me. This one got me so good that I had to take it over to Photoshop and move the squares to see if it was real. And it was. Trippy. Yes, squares A and B are actually the same color/gradation. So cool.

    Geek out, Berkeley style!

    If you're ever down Berkeley way, you might want to check these geeks out.  They meet each month for an evening of real science with real scientists, along with activities that are just plain cool.  Learn about dark matter, then add your artistic interpretation to the Geek Out gallery.  Listen to a lecture on the speed of light, then play with prisms and lasers.  Check out the Scream Machines (seriously, check them out).  And that's just what's on the calendar right now!  Who knows where this Geekdom will take you?

    Excellent source of sparkles!

    Unicorn meat is real! 
    (From Think Geek)

    Unicorns, as we all know, frolic all over the world, pooping rainbows and marshmallows wherever they go. What you don't know is that when unicorns reach the end of their lifespan, they are drawn to County Meath, Ireland. The Sisters at Radiant Farms have dedicated their lives to nursing these elegant creatures through their final days. Taking a cue from the Kobe beef industry, they massage each unicorn's coat with Guinness daily and fatten them on a diet comprised entirely of candy corn. As the unicorn ages, its meat becomes fatty and marbled and the living bone in the horn loses density in a process much like osteoporosis. The horn's outer layer of keratin begins to develop a flavor very similar to candied almonds. Blending the crushed unicorn horn into the meat adds delightful, crispy flavor notes in each bite. We are confident you will find a world of bewilderment in every mouthful of scrumptious unicorn meat.

    Unfortunately, due to restrictions on the importation of mythical processed meatstuff, we are unable to bring you Canned Unicorn Meat in the way the Sisters of Radiant Farms intended. When you open your can, you will find one tiny unicorn which has been appropriately sliced into its main cuts of meat. Simply use your Growth Ray to re-embiggen the unicorn before skinning it and processing its flesh. Or if you're lazy, just bring it to your local Mad Scientist-Butcher. He'll know what to do.

    Radiant Farms Canned Unicorn Meat Specifications

    • 14 ounces of delicious unicorn meat, canned for your convenience
    • Imported from a small independent cannery in County Meath, Ireland
    • Crunchy horn bits in every bite - an excellent source of Calcium
    • Tastes like rotisserie chicken but with a hint of marshmallow sweetness
    • Easily spreadable for sandwiches, hors d'oeuvres, and more
    • Sparkly meat lends the unmistakable air of class and sophistication to your parties
    • Unlike other meats, unicorn fat is polyunsaturated and lowers your LDL cholesterol
    • Not yet approved by the USDA or FDA, but the nuns have eaten it for centuries and they're healthy as horses
    • Okay, for real: you can't eat this. It's a dismembered stuffed unicorn in a can.
    • The bottom of the tin is easily removable to gain access to the mini dead unicorn inside. No can opener needed!
    Click here to buy!

    Bachelor Geeks, UNITE!

    Or fix a computer or program a calculator or something. Play some Wii? Make a few fabulous jokes. You know. Be you. Our marvelous Bachelor Geeks.

    Eligible Bachelor Geeks. (So, if there are any ladies who find the idea of geeky bachelors to be quite their cup of tea ... um, call and have them come fix your computer.)

    So, obviously I don't know what to write for the opening post.

    Paco says Todd embraces the term Geek. Why is that? I'm guessing it's not for the taste of chicken heads.

    Okay, that's enough so we can get the first post up. We just need a really cool graphic or something.